Heartland Virus

Tick borne disease: Heartland virus
Also known as: Heartland bandavirus
Disease Agent: Heartland virus
Infectious Bite Time: It is unknown how long a tick infected with Heartland virus needs to remain attached to you to transmit the disease.
Incubation Period: Impacts of Heartland virus will most often begin to be noticeable in the first few weeks after you are bitten by an infected tick, additional research is needed to better pinpoint the incubation period of this tick-borne disease.
Common Signs and Symptoms: Heartland virus symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite
Serious Complications: organ failure, respiratory failure, death (rare)
Treatment Options: Health care options may be available. Information on the effective treatment of Heartland virus is extremely limited. If you believe you have contracted Heartland virus consult a medical professional, early diagnosis is essential to preventing serious complications, delaying treatment can make a bad situation worse, resulting in escalated symptom severity or even death.
Notes and Facts: Heartland virus is a serious condition. The elderly and those with weakened immune systems may be at a higher risk for serious complications from this disease. Heartland virus is a newly discovered tick-borne disease, research is ongoing, information is currently limited. Instances of Heartland virus are most common in the Midwest and the South, including states such as Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. You cannot simply look at a tick and determine if it is infected with Heartland disease, if a tick is attached to you learn how to remove a tick and keep the tick, it can be tested for Heartland virus. Use Tick Proof to prevent future attacks.
What ticks transmit Heartland virus? Lone Star tick, it is suspected other ticks also transmit Heartland virus, more research is needed.
Primary Vector: Lone star tick
Number of infections per year, United States: 30+ (extremely rare)
The Lone Star tick (below) transmits heartland virus.